### 🟪 What is unifox.js ? Unifox.js is autobootstrap-script that configures a keyboard based, unified and distraction-free Firefox-UI plus Webpagedesign with the help of the `toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets` function, as well as security and anti-tracking features with the help of [arkenfox](https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/). ![2024-08-09-045130_1920x1080_scrot](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/8d693063-5032-4c87-9d56-3c2335ff158b) ### 🟨 The Autobootstrap Script will do the following with your boring firefox: 1. Creates a new profile called `unifox`, which in itself creates a new directory in your `.mozilla` configuration folder 2. Inside your new profile directory, it will install the addon's: - [ublock-origin](https://ublockorigin.com/) [preconfigured] - [stlyus](https://github.com/openstyles/stylus) [preconfigured] - [vimimium-c](https://github.com/gdh1995/vimium-c) [preconfigured] 3. Then configures the labelled Add-On's, with the files from the `extensions` folder. 4. Activate'S `toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets` which is necessary for the Files within the folder `chrome` to take effect. Then copie's the .css configuration files into which include: - userChrome.css - userContent.css - userChrome.js 5. Set a custom about:home which can be changed within the `.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default-release/chrome/img/` directory. 6. At last copies my `user.js` and extension-settings.json. ### 🟩 Installaion: ``` git clone https://github.com/marlonivo/unifox.git && cd unifox && ./unifox ``` ### 🟦 Unified Keybindings for page-navigation and browser-tab-operations: **page navigation:**<br> `?` - show help (overview of all keybindings)<br> `f` - show quick keybinding's<br> `j` - scroll down<br> `k` - scroll up<br> `/` - enter find mode<br> `n` - cycle through 'find mode'<br> `r` - reload tab<br> `x` - close tab<br> **will come in future:**<br> `t` - translate webpage<br> `d` - de-/activate dark mode<br> `s` - screenshot **browser tab operations:**<br> `strg tab` - cycle through open Tabs<br> `strg t` - new tab<br> `strg alt y` - https://youtube.com<br> `strg alt h` - vimium://options<br> `strg alt e` - https://deepl.com<br> `strg alt g` - https://github.com<br> `strg alt k` - https://chatgpt.com<br> `strg alt c` - stylus toolbar<br> `strg alt u` - ublock origin toolbar<br> `strg alt p` - ublock element picker<br> `alt left` - go one step back in history<br> `alt right` - go one step forth in history<br> `strg shift s` - make a screenshot<br> `strg shift h` - search history, downloads, tags and bookmarks<br> `strg shift k` - developer console<br> `strg shift a` - about:addons<br> **youtube:**<br> `t` - cinema mode<br> `s` - fullscreen<br> `c` - subtitles<br> `strg alt i` - zoom in-to video<br> `strg alt o` - zoom out-of video ### 🟦 License: MIT