### 🟧 Installation & Update: If youre a lazy-linuxer, use this command: ``` git clone https://github.com/marlonivo/hosts.git && cd hosts && chmod +x lazy-hosts && lazy-hosts && rm -r hosts ``` 1. `git clone https://github.com/marlonivo/hosts.git` - Downloads repo 2. `cd hosts && chmod +x lazy-hosts && lazy-hosts` - Uses this script to: 1. Overwrite your `/etc/hosts` 2. Puts itself to `/usr/bin` 3. Every update it will merge repos and keep `/etc/hosts` clean (no comments/empty lines) 3. `rm -r hosts` - Deletes repo from $HOME 4. Dont forget to reboot ### 🟦 Lists: Open `/etc/hosts` with vim and press `:/` to search for: 1. **Personal List**: Your stuff 2. **Luke Smith's List**: [Link](https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/etc/blob/master/ips) 3. **dan.me.uk's List**: [Link](https://www.dan.me.uk/torlist/?full) ❗TOR WILL NOT CONNECT ANYMORE 4. **columndeeply's List**: [Link](https://github.com/columndeeply/hosts) ### 🟩 Devices: #### Linux: ```bash sudo cat hosts >> /etc/hosts ``` #### Windows: Place the domains in `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`. #### Android : 1. Activate `USB debugging` and `Rooted debugging` on your phone 2. Install `adb`, on your computer: ``` sudo pacman -S adb ``` 3. Plug phone into computer. 4. Run these commands: ``` adb root adb remount adb push /etc/hosts /system/etc ``` #### iPhone (irreversible): 1. Go to `Settings > Screen Time > Communication Security` 2. Turn on `filters for sensitive content` and enter a password blindly. 3. This can be changed unless you call the apple's service center. ### 🟦 License: MIT