### Update Blocklist: The script in `sync-hosts` can be used to update the Blocklist, just type in the terminal: ``` sync-hosts ``` ### Blocklist Includes: 1. **Personal Extras** 2. **Luke Smith's General Junk List**: [GitHub Link](https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/etc/blob/master/ips) [no further updates] 3. **dan.me.uk's Tor Exit Node List**: [dan.me.uk Link](https://www.dan.me.uk/torlist/?full) [further updates] ❗ THIS WILL TOR BROWSER NOT ABLE TO CONNECT ANYMORE 4. **columndeeply 10 Million Porn List**: [Github Link](https://github.com/columndeeply/hosts) [further updates] ### Where to Place the Domains: #### Linux: Place the domains in `/etc/hosts`: ```bash sudo /etc/hosts ``` #### Windows (with administrator privileges): Place the domains in `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`. ##### Android (Developer tools and USB debugging must be turned on): 1. Install `adb`: ``` sudo pacman -S adb ``` 2. Plug the phone into the laptop. 3. Run the following commands: ``` adb root adb remount adb push /etc/hosts /system/etc ``` ##### iPhone (Irreversible): 1. Go to `Settings > Screen Time > Communication Security`. 2. Turn on filters for sensitive content and enter a password blindly.